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Un classement arbitraire d'efficacité des héros

Publié : 24 sept. 2006 22:31
par Artatak
C'est là.
NB: Ca date de quelques versions, quand le bristle était aléatoire et que le stun du doc était en bullet time. Encore plus, je veux dire.
Si ça peut vous donner des idées…
Par exemple, concernant le destro dans une game de bon niveau :
Destroyer - Surpasses KotL in supporting casters, better than Silencer at dealing damage, and a free cyclone. Horrifically strong at the moment, and almost certainly a top pick for CAL teams if he isn't weakened

edit : Je vous le mets directement ici.
Il est quand même plus lisible sur le forum original pour des questions de mise en page. Si vous n'avez pas de login passez sur
inDe_eD a écrit :Table of contents

Part I - Ease of Use
1. Classifications
2. Sentinel
3. Scourge
4. Closing Comments

Part II - Hero Potential
5. Classifications
6. Sentinel
7. Scourge
8. Closing Comments/Version

Part I - Ease of Use

How hard is it for a hero to be used at a decent level? (50-75% of their potential).

1. Classifications, in order from easiest to hardest:

Beginner - Heroes who have one or more of the following:

Has an ability or natural attack animation/damage that makes it easy to farm gold.
Has an ability that makes it easy to survive against enemy heroes.
Has an easy, "one-click-win" ability.

Easy - Heroes who are somewhat more difficult to use than Beginner heroes, but not by much. They generally lack an easy escape, but are still fairly easy to farm with.

Intermediate - Heroes who are, well, intermediate. They are not especially easy or difficult to use, and require a moderate amount of skill to play effectively.

Difficult - Heroes who either have somewhat micro-intensive abilities, have a weak early game, or has no escape mechanism.

Expert- Heroes who are either very micro-intensive, extremely fragile and easy to kill early game, or simply ineffective in general.

2. Sentinel

Beginner -

Enchantress - Although her low base damage makes it somewhat hard to farm with her, Impetus is ridiculously easy to harass with. Nature's Healing and Untouchable make her damn near unkillable early game, and allows her to farm for lategame.

Stealth Assassin - Permanent Invisibility means that he almost never dies in low-level games, where the enemy usually never bothers to get Truesight at all. Smokescreen helps him disable and pick off enemy heroes, Blink Strike helps him chase, and Backstab provides bonus damage.

Luna - The epitome of one-click kill heroes. With her massive base movespeed and the obscene range of Eclipse, all it takes is a few games to learn when to use Eclipse properly, and you're set. Glaives/Aura also makes her a definite contender late game.

Sniper - Scattershot is one of the best beginner-friendly abilities, since at level 4 you can usually net every creep in a wave for 120 mana. His great range means that he can stay far, far away from the frontline, and newbs love Assassinate for the KS factor.

Easy -

Zeus - Easy early game nuke spammability combined with Wrath for ksing/killing fleeing enemy heroes makes him an easy hero. However, he is pretty easy to kill later, since he has no natural disable.

Crystal Maiden - Frostbite and Nova make for easy early game kills. She would be on the Beginner list except for the fact that Freezing Field is relatively difficult to use and makes her a high priority target.

Sven - Powerful early game with Storm Bolt and high base damage, and incredible late game with God's Strength and Cleave. However, God Strength makes him a target, and is ridiculously easy to dispel.

Twin-Headed Dragon - Massive HP on a ranged hero, and an easily spammable breath make him pretty easy to use. His passive is helpful for auto-attack farming.

Treant Protector - Huge HP, invisibility, and Living Armor means that he should almost never die. Overgrowth is easy to use, simply walk in and cast it. However, he is not a 1v1 killer hero, so some players may have a hard time adjusting.

Keeper of the Light - Early game is easy, with Illuminate/Chakra spamming to farm. Even if you do awful, a level 7 Keeper can easily support allies by using Chakra.

Phantom Lancer - Invisiblity, a powerful nuke, and high base damage means he should do decent early game. Late game, mass image spawning is a powerful pushing ability, and it happens automatically.

Furion - Sprout is a powerful disable, Teleport lets you do fountain trips without hassle, and Wrath, once you learn how to spam it properly, makes Furion one of the best farmers in the game. Food for blinkers like Antimage and Queen of Pain, though.

Techies- A defensive Techie takes little skill to play, but a lot of patience. Getting lucky with Invis or Hasted Suicide means you can score an early kill, Land Mines are great for farming and traps, Stasis is a great help in defending/pushing, and Remotes are deadly in most public games.

Tinker - Slow attack/movespeed make his farming somewhat suspect, unless you use March. Which you should. Once you are set up in items you can pretty much stay away from the frontline and spam Missile endlessly, although he is an easy kill before that point.

Morphling - The new Morph is rather easy to use, provided you know how to abuse Waveform's power. He's a lot simpler to play now, as whoring agility is pretty much the only viable build left.

Rhasta - Two powerful disables and a decent nuke make Rhasta a well-rounded hero. Serpent Wards are great for almost any purpose, and when used in the infamous Cyclone/Ward combo makes Ward trapping a breeze.

Panda - Almost unkillable if played properly, he is an offensive and defensive beast. Thunder Clap lets him score easy kills early/mid game.

Drow - Easy hero to farm with due to Marksmanship. Frost arrows is autocastable and lets Drow chase easily. However, properly positioning Silence (an essential skill to any Drow player) takes some skill.

Intermediate -

Vengeful Spirit - Missile and Swap are easy to use and powerful as well. However, she is fragile, and Swap can be suicide if not used properly.

Troll - Horrible movespeed, somewhat random damage, and no disables until late game make him a horrible early game hero. However, his playstyle is pretty simple, and he has huge potential late game.

Juggernaut - Blade Fury is great for farming/killing heroes early game, while Omnislash simply owns. It does take some skill to use however, and Juggernaut is fragile.

Centaur - Another hard to kill hero, the War Stomp + Double Edge combo is fairly easy to pull off, especially if you add a Blink Dagger. However, ever since Stomp's AOE was weakened, landing it has been much harder.

Silencer - Playing him properly may be challenging, but Global Silence and Last Word are pretty hard to mess up. Assuming you don't lane with an enemy like Zeus or Antimage, Curse is great for controlling the enemy hero, and Glaives add some powerful punch to his attack by mid/late game.

Ogre Magi- Being an INT melee is always difficult. Ogre desperately needs some mana items and levels before he can start doing well. However, by late game, every time you hit a Multicast off Firebolt you're pretty much guaranteed a kill. Ignite is great for slowing/farming, and Bloodlust is a powerful support spell.

Tiny - Somewhat difficult to use for one reason: Toss. Before you learn how to use it, you'll probably miss often, toss creeps by accident, and get allies killed. After you learn how to use it, you own. It's that simple.

Bounty Hunter - Great for getting early game kills, but in order to have a decent late game you must be able to take heroes alone when they're at full HP, which most Bounty Hunter players find difficult.

Dragon Knight - Powerful stun and decent AOE attack make his early game respectable. However, he isn't really very powerful until Level 16/Frost Dragon, which may take too long for some players.

Antimage - Very fragile and easy to kill, proper Blink usage is a must. Has to farm to decent items if you want to be any use in team battles, where he is liable to be focus fired.

Omniknight - Easy to keep alive, since all 4 of his abilities can be useful for that. However, in order to play a good Omni you have to know when to Heal/Repel/Guardian allies, as well as how to chase enemies with Degen so allies can kill them.

Difficult -

Earthshaker - Very mana intensive, so he runs out of mana easily. Chaining his spells properly requires some practice, as well as proper positioning of Fissure to trap enemies.

Syllabear - Very fragile, Syllabear relies on proper use of both himself and his pet. Balancing items between the two may be difficult, and keeping your bear alive can be hard for DotA players unused to using more than one unit.

Lina - If you think she's hard to play now, be glad that her movespeed was buffed in 6.28, at least. Lightstrike is the main problem here, the casting delay can be difficult to time, and her other spells rely on that connecting first.

Naga Siren - So easy to be horrible with, yet so powerful when in the right hands. One of the games most powerful late game heroes, she suffers from an awful early game to compensate, although she has lots of survivability due to her abilities.

Enigma - Very fragile and a high priority target, due to Black Hole. Casting Pulse/Hole in rapid succession in the right area can be difficult, since enemies sure as hell won't stick around for it, and if you miss one hero they will probably disable you.

Ursa - Huge damage potential, but lack of disable and poor early game. He needs either good Stomp positioning or smart use of Lothar's edge to do well.

Beastmaster - Nuking with his abilities are fairly self-explanatory, and he farms easily enough with them. However, killing heroes requires his skills to be used smartly, which can be difficult for a beginner.

Expert -

Chen - Not such a problem if you skip using creeps (which is silly), but probably the game's most micro intensive hero if you do. Using multiple Stomps, Shockwaves, and Chen's spells is hard to manage along with keeping your creeps and Chen himself alive.

Bristleback - Bristleback is just a poor hero overall. Goo is great for slowing and armor reduction, and Rampage is powerful if it activates, but its randomness can be frustrating. Horrible early game with his crappy damage and base stats, although he can be powerful if fed/farmed.

3. Scourge

Beginner -

Venomancer - Early game is incredibly easy, as harassing consists of hitting your opponent once in awhile anc letting Sting do its stuff. Strike/Nova are also easy to use, although mana intensive.

King Leoric - Reincarnation and High HP make him near unkillable in normal circumstances, which allows him to simply farm up for late game. Classic example of an attack-move hero.

Lucifer/Lucy - Once you learn how to use devour properly, Lucy farms like no other. Insanely high HP, movespeed with Scorch, and easy kills with Doom make him pretty easy to use. Lvl Death just needs basic math to be used decently.

Lycanthrope – Game plan: get to Level 6 and then kill everything in sight. Unstoppable in low level games.

Clinkz - The classic "noob" hero. Not much needs to be said for him, WW/Strafe/Searing and get kills.

Easy -

Queen of Pain - Blink and 3 seperate nukes make kills easy, as well as her great range. Fragile HP is offset by a little practice with Blink.

Lich - Frost Nova + Ritual are ridiculously easy to harass with, and make him a great introduction to playing casters. He would be Beginner if using Chain Frost didn't take a moderate amount of intuition

Lion - As opposed to Lina, Lion is much easier to use. Impale, Hex, and Finger are all no-brainers and easy to use, and Siphon can keep up your mana when you're just starting to learn him.

Broodmother - Web basically means he gets to stay in his lane indefinitely against pubs, Spawn is great for pushing and getting kills, Bite/Hunger are just very powerful abilities in general.

Medusa - Mana Shield extends her survivability greatly, and Purge is cheap and powerful with teammates.

Nerubian Assassin – Spamming mana burn is easy to do and prevents him from being harassed early, while Impale is similarly easy and effective. The standard Vendetta, Impale, Burn combo works well and owns beginners like there’s no tomorrow.

Razor – Very good farmer, but proper timing is required due to his crappy base damage. Frenzy can be a double-edged sword if used improperly, but is very powerful with the right items.

Intermediate -

Bane Elemental – Sap is great for surviving and last hitting, Nightmare is easy to use and effective in escaping, and Grip just requires that a teammate be nearby. Managing these many spells effectively can be difficult, however, and his range is pretty poor.

Axe - Spamming Hunger dominates pub games, and the rest of his abilities are geared around netting kills. Takes some practice to use, though.

Death Prophet – Carrion Swarm spamming and Exorcism are easy to use, but make DP a huge target. Without proper use of Silence, she dies often.

Viper – Fragile and low base damage, he requires proper Poison Arrow micro in order to be effective.

Leviathan – High HP melee hero with two strong nukes. He needs the proper items (IAS > Damage) before he can become effective.

Nightstalker - Wait for night, then score easy kills with Void. Mana issues and questionable late game effectiveness are his only problems.

Chaos Knight - Used to be Easy, but the nerf to Chaos Bolt changed that. Still a great hero, but now requires both Bolt and Blink Strike to be maxed before he can start killing.

Necrolyte – Pulse is very spammable and great for farming and keeping yourself alive, and Scythe is easy for finishing enemy heroes. However, Sadist requires proper creep micro in order to be effective at maintaining Necrolyte’s mana.

Shadow Fiend – Fragile and no escape mechanism before Lothar’s. Storing souls early game requires decent micro, although later once you have >40 timing creeps becomes ridiculously easy due to high damage and projectile speed.

Spiritbreaker – Pre-patch, he was a Beginner hero easily. Now, he isn’t quite as strong, but still fairly easy to use. Nether, Charge, and whack away.

Bloodseeker – Early game for him is leveling up to 6 and then running around the map using Rupture, which is about as easy as it gets. Blood is great for staying in a lane, but requires decent last hit timing. He must have decent items to remain viable later.

Avatar of Vengeance – She is nearly unkillable, but has a hard time killing anything herself.

Lord of Avernus – Another “invincible” hero, he also struggles to kill enemy heroes efficiently.

Difficult -

Magnataur - In order to farm efficiently early game you have to be decent in timing attacks, although Mag's huge base and Empower should help with that.

Necro'lic - He has poor base damage and has the curious role of being an INT hero that plays like a ranged AGI hero, which can make choosing items a pain.

Terrorblade – Fragile early, but Soul Drain helps to make up for that. He is very dependant on the right items, and controlling several images as well as using Sunder properly may be difficult.

Faceless Void – Time Walk is great for keeping yourself alive, although mana intensive. However, farming with him is rather difficult, and since he needs decent items to do well he is rather hard to play. Also, Chronosphere can backfire disastrously if used incorrectly.

Pudge - Hooking is an artform all by itself, and requires many games to practice under varying host delay. Rot can be suicidal if used haphazardly, and Pudge must have decent items to remain viable later.

Pugna - Very fragile hero. Nether Blast is great for farming, and coupled with Decrep makes him a dangerous hero killer. Life Drain helps to stay in a lane. Nether Ward is very easy to use and is fantastic at screwing over an enemy team. Lack of disable/HP makes him a difficult hero.

Weaver – Very fragile and weak early game, his low base damage makes farming for him difficult. He is hard to kill when used properly due to Shikuchi and Time Lapse, but needs to farm to at least one Tier 3 or 4 item before he can do well.

N'aix - Insanely weak early game, since he can't chase or kill anything before mid game. Against harassers, he is screwed. However, he is pretty simple to play, so it's smooth sailing after a bit of quality farming time.

Phantom Assassin – Incredibly easy to kill, she is one of the top “feeder” heroes. Learning how to adapt (i.e. not getting Blur against a team of nukers, etc.) is crucial for using this hero.

Slardar – Chasing with Sprint and landing Stomp can be difficult, as well as managing your mana with 3 costly spells.

Sand King - Burrowstrike is a difficult spell to use properly. Blink/Epicenter needs 1-2 games of practice to work, and Burrow/Epicenter requires a certain amount of intuition on the part of the player as to when to use it.

Destroyer - Proper builds and mana management are a must when using this hero. His abilities can be somewhat difficult to use effectively at first, but he is incredibly strong with a little practice.

Expert -

Leshrac - Incredibly fragile and 2 abilities which require him to move close to the enemy. Split Earth is one of the hardest spells in the game to land, as well.

Witch Doctor - Maledict competes with Split Earth for hardest spell to use, but is incredibly strong when landed. Absolutely requires decent disabling teammates to ensure Maledict/Death Ward can be used efficiently, teamwork which is probably next to impossible to find in a normal game.

4. Closing Comments

If you disagree with my placing a hero in a certain category, tell me. Well, first, read my explanation to make sure I haven't already covered it.

Part II - Hero Potential

How effective is a hero in a high level game?

5. Classifications

This is a combination of many factors, including Teamwork, Synergy, Early game effectiveness, Late game potential, and the like.

Note that, for this guide, effectiveness > ease of use. Thus, a great hero who is difficult to use will win over a good hero who is easy to use.

Classifications are from strongest to weakest:

Powerhouse - Heroes who have one or more of the following:

Has an ability or natural attack animation/damage that makes it easy to farm gold and deny creeps.
Has an ability that makes it easy to disable/kill enemy heroes early game.
Has a powerful set of abilities that synergize well with those of other heroes.

Strong - Heroes who are still powerful, but deficient in some key area.

Intermediate - Heroes who are, well, intermediate. They are not especially strong or weak, but are generally picked only in fun games.

Weak - Heroes who either become incredibly weak late game or are too ineffective early game to be considered.

Garbage- Garbage. Pick this hero and you should expect to do poorly in an inhouse.

Don't flame me for putting your favorite hero in the Garbage column before you read my explanation. Then, think to yourself, "Would I be able to do as well with this hero as I normally do if every game my lane was stacked with powerful early game harassers?" That's what happens in inhouses.

6. Sentinel

Powerhouse -

Crystal Maiden - Powerful early to late game disable with Bite, as well as Nova for slowing. Field is incredibly powerful, especially in combination with friendly disable.

Earthshaker - Get Blink Dagger, blink in, own. Fissure is great for trapping and getting kills all game.

Silencer - Last Word and Global Silence win games. Glaives are a decent damage dealer.

Treant Protector - Overgrowth, especially combined with Refresher. is a great disabler. Armor/Guise saves allies, and Eyes are free observer wards.

Enigma - Malefice is great early game disable, especially when combined with another disabler. Pulse/Hole wrecks entire teams when placed properly.

Tiny - Toss and Avalanche are very spammable, and means that Tiny maxes out in power at level 8. Blink/Toss is a harder to use version of Vengeful's Swap.

Chen - Properly using creeps can be difficult, but effectively gives Chen 3 AOE stuns. He can Heal, TP allies back home, and slow, making him a well-rounded pusher and support hero.

Luna - Eclipse is fairly easy to use, and is devastating with Blink Dagger. Late-game powerhouse, also, with the proper items.

Sniper - Great candidate for solo, with his insane range and instant projectile, making farming/denying a breeze.

Furion - Sprout is always great, Teleport for ganks = win, and Wrath spam to farm creeps and push 3 lanes at the same time is powerful.

Rhasta - Great disable and Serpent Wards for farming/pushing.

Omniknight - The ultimate team hero, his various spells prolong his team's survivability greatly.

Strong -

Vengeful Spirit - Swap/Stun is great for isolating and killing an enemy hero. However, in 5v5 battle there really isn't an opportunity to use this, and besides Swap/Stun she has little real use in combat.

Drow - Excellent farmer and doubles as a disabler with Silence.

Sven - Fantastic all-purpose killing hero. Since God Strength was weakened, and since it's so easy to remove, it prevents him from being a top pick.

Stealth Assassin - Smokescreen is great (Silence/Slow in an AOE), and Permanent Invisibility means easy ganking. Don't expect to rely on invisibility, though, since it will likely be countered.

Troll – Very difficult to farm to a decent late game with, but high HP and good micro can compensate, and he is an absolute monster if he gets that far.

Syllabear - Very powerful early game for push strategies, but if the game drags on for too long expect to be screwed by mass cyclones.

Juggernaut - Blade Fury early game with disable = death. Healing Ward is great for pushing, and Omnislash synergises well with Ultimates that kill creeps.

Keeper of the Light - Illuminate is a powerful nuke, but his main use is Chakra Magic. Used to be a top pick, but Chakra was weakened so horribly in the last patch that he has dropped.

Techies - Strange but effective. In a battle, he has two 600 damage AOE nukes and a 5 second AOE stun. Outside of battle... well, he's techies. Counterable, but your enemy will have a hell of a time trying to walk anywhere.

Siren - Net and Sleep are her only saving graces, as Images are quickly killed by AOE and she is too fragile herself to do much in battle. Those saving graces are pretty damn strong in either case.

Morphling - God, they need to stop changing him! Waveform is now obscenely good, and Replicate is impressive as well. Range is a little low to be truly strong, but he is still a very solid hero.

Antimage - Useful against casters, obviously, but he tends to be disabled and killed against competent teams. Once he is farmed out, he does tend to dominate games though.

Panda - Powerful, near-unkillable tank, and the old Blink/Clap/Ulti combination wrecks heroes. Also, incredible synergy with Rhasta.

Intermediate -

Zeus - Useful early game, but lack of disable and limited late game effectiveness make him useless later. Would be a Weak hero except for Wrath's power in combination with Ventrilo.

Lina - Has great damage output, but only one unreliable disable.

Ogre Magi - All his spells are great, but firebolt is too random to be relied upon, and being an INT melee really hampers him early on.

Tinker - He can be useful later with enough mana regen, but he has no disable. Needs to be heavily farmed before he can be a major factor.

Centaur - Used to be Strong, but the nerf to Stomp's AOE really hurts him. Limited effectiveness now, although Blink/Stomp is still fairly useful.

Twin-Headed Dragon - His two breath abilities are pretty good, but his passive is eh, and his Ultimate is incredibly slow and inaccurate, although possibly kind of powerful in conjunction with Hole etc.

Beastmaster - Decent nuking ability with Axes/Roar, and a powerful slow with Quillbeast along with uber scouting Hawk power. However, he just doesn't fit any one role effectively, he's sort of a mix of chaser, nuker, and fighter.

Dragon Knight - His spells are great, but having to wait till level 16 to be effective hurts him.

Weak -

Enchantress - Great early game, but loses effectiveness fast and is liable to being nuke-raped, especially against many of the strong Scourge lineups.

Ursa - Huge damage output, but he is again too easily disabled and killed, and has a weak early game,

Phantom Lancer - Image spawning is too unreliable to be effective, and his ww/nuke aren't enough to save him from being mediocre.

Bounty Hunter - He needs items to be decent late game, and even if he does attain that expect to be disabled more often than not. Also, most decent teams will get Truesight against BH.

Garbage -

Bristleback – Obscenely weak early game. Random Rampage activation. No disable. Overly item dependant. Nearly impossible to play adequately against a decent team without heavy teammate support.

7. Scourge

Powerhouse -

Leshrac - Powerful nukes, especially Edict. Even if he dies easily, as long as he was able to run around with Pulse/Edict for a few seconds the damage he inflicts is enough.

Lich - Easy early game harassing/denying, combined with the power that is Chain Frost. Probably one of the most broken heroes ATM.

Death Prophet - A very strong nuke and Silence, as well as arguably the best pushing ability in the game.

Venomancer - Early game control combined with Poison Nova in one fugly Starcraft-esque package.

Queen of Pain - Blink with 3 nukes is powerful for ganking and killing, and makes her a great hero to pick off annoying enemies.

Clinkz - Easy farming with Searing, gank evasion with Windwalk, and powerful late game with Strafe + damage items. He also doubles as one of the game's best backdoorers.

Faceless Void - Chronosphere is godly. Sure, his other abilities are great, but land a level 3 Chrono with a decent team and you win.

Razor - Same as Clinkz: Great farming and powerful late game with Frenzy.

Medusa - Purge will take care of pesky Sven/Omniknight, and Mana Shield lets her tank. Standard Aegis/Rapier farming combined with Split Shot will decimate entire enemy teams.

Pugna - Decrepify is a powerful teamwork ability, and Nether Ward wrecks enemy casters.

Leviathan - Gush/Ravage are powerful nukes, and he can be a beast if farmed out. Ravage has been buffed, so bumped to Powerhouse.

Shadow Fiend - Huge damage output and easy farming. His fragility can be offset by friendly disable, allowing him to use Requiem.

Sand King - Burrowstrike is great, Epicenter with Dagger is powerful, and Sandstorm helps him avoid deaths early game.

Necrolyte - Pulse spamming to heal a Necromicon team is a strategy all by itself, and Scythe can quickly finish an enemy hero.

Destroyer - Surpasses KotL in supporting casters, better than Silencer at dealing damage, and a free cyclone. Horrifically strong at the moment, and almost certainly a top pick for CAL teams if he isn't weakened.

Strong -

Lion - Excellent set of disables combined with early Finger ownage. He loses points due to Finger becoming less effective at later levels.

Magnataur - Reverse Polarity used to be the classic starter for many team combos, but with Chronosphere he is largely unneccessary. Still good, but he has been replaced.

King Leoric - Reincarnation is mostly negated in inhouses, since he will likely be ganked by heroes with numerous disables and/or screwed by mass Necromicon. Without it, he is mediocre, although with it, he is godly.

Pudge - Very reliant on player skill and host lag, since hosts have different lag times. However, great for isolating and killing a problem enemy hero.

Necro'lic - Powerful orb harassment early game, and uber farming with Revenants. Spell immune revenants are wtfbbq strong, and he is a powerful beast once he reaches that.

Lucy - Devour for farming, Lvl Death/Doom for early owning, and Scorched for chasing/killing. If he manages to farm freely for 15 minutes, he can change the tide of a game.

Bane Elemental - Powerful set of disables, basically allowing him to remove 3 seperate heroes from battle at the same time (Nightmare + Eul/Guinsoo + Grip). His ultimate is decent, but a little weak compared to others and too easily interrupted.

Intermediate -

Terrorblade - Needs to farm in order to do well, although he is incredible once he does. Being AGI melee with low HP hurts him a lot early game, and images get destroyed by AOE.

Slardar - Stomp/Amplify with Sprint are fairly useful, although his damage output is a little low.

Nerubian Assassin - Mana burn cripples enemy casters early, and Impale is always a great disable. Good for killing a single enemy hero, but not much beyond that, and he is utterly screwed if the enemy gets anti-invisibility.

Axe - Call/Helix is powerful with Blink, and Cull is an excellent finisher. He is a little weak early game, and if the game isn't finished quickly his effectiveness drops like a rock.

Nightstalker - Can dominate early game with Void, but mid/late game he's only good for his Silence, which has an impressive duration.

Lycanthrope - Food for disable. No early game worth mentioning, although with BKB he can wreak havoc for a good 10 seconds.

Broodmother - Webs are pretty ineffective past early game, since sentries counter them effectively. Needs a BKB to be of any use in battle, otherwise she eats disables.

Chaos Knight - His stun is average now, nowhere near as imba as it used to be. Although Phantasm is an incredible pushing ability, they are too easily destroyed. Earthshaker eats him for breakfast.

Viper - Although a powerful 1v1 lane hero, he loses effectiveness in team battles because he is so overreliant on focusing a hero one at a time, and is easily killed himself.

Lord of Avernus – Decent farmer, but a somewhat crappy hero. His abilities are centered around keeping himself alive, and he contributes little to a team battle. A selfish version of Omniknight. However, he has gained the ability to dispel debuffs, as well as some general buffs all around, so he's improved.

Weak -

Weaver - Potentially powerful, but too fragile to be used often. Shukuchi is countered by Truesight, and Time Lapse is countered with disable.

Bloodseeker - Rupture is nearly useless in team battles, since an enemy can just hold position and cast spells/attack from there. Either that, or buy a Diffusal Blade of GG.

Witch Doctor - Maledict is very, very powerful, but too inaccurate. Death Ward does far too little damage when not combined with Maledict, and Casks are somewhat weak right now.

Spiritbreaker - Powerful 1v1 hero, but due to his abilities he tends to get in the middle of the enemy lines, dying quickly to focus fire. Nether Strike is also ridiculously easy to interrupt.

Phantom Assassin – Horrible early game, coupled with low HP and no disable. Needs items to become powerful, and if she actually does become powerful should expect to be focused and die within the first five seconds of any battle.

Garbage -

Avatar of Vengeance - Direct Vengeance, the only ability he's got that's worth mentioning in team fights is too weak to be useful. All his other abilities are simply crap in team fights.

N'aix – Again, no early game. Easily countered by permabash, mass disable, or Overgrowth, and observer wards completely screw over neutral farming.

8. Closing Comments/Version

Comments/Suggestions welcome.

Kudos to rhw for the Avatar/Spiritbreaker descriptions.

I'm probably going to be moving heroes around in the first section like mad, since I really haven't played at that level for years, and I'm just judging from what I see in many TDA games.

If you disagree with the classifications in the first section, feel free to explain why. That is the more subjective section, and I base it partially on my own feelings towards the hero, and how well'poorly I see most people use that hero.

If you disagree with my classifications in the second section, stay away from "I owned with him last game so he rules". I'm talking mainly about high level games, where only heroes from the Powerhouse/Strong categories are picked. The lowest two tiers simply cannot compete at that level.

v1.0 - Guide complete! Updates, including hero descriptions, coming shortly.
v1.1 - Hero descriptions added, working on additional supplement to guide.
v1.2 - Second part, Hero Potential, added. Descriptions to come shortly.
v1.3 - Descriptions added, shuffled around many heroes.

v2.0 - Redone the layout a bit, changed many heroes in Ease of Use, a few in Potential.
v2.5 - Another massive overhaul, this time in Potentials, due to many games worth of experience seeing these heroes in play in an inhouse environment
v2.6 - More hero shuffling.

This post has been edited by inDe_eD: Jun 29 2006, 04:59 AM